Quotes for life, love and laughter…

I collect quotes. Almost every day, something, somewhere gives me an aha moment and I keep them for days when I may need them. Sometimes these quotes are inspirational, humorous, or they just let you know that you are not the only human feeling the way you do. It’s just a human condition. You are not alone in this, whatever it is.

So today, I wanted to share some of my favourites in the hope that some of them will strike a note with you too.

So here goes:—-

On the subject of life:-



On the subject of running or just taking action, these ones I love.  I came across a gentleman called Alistair Jones on Twitter who writes poetry.  His poems are witty,  encouraging, fun and always a delight.  He has kindly allowed me to include a couple here.


And then just for fun, these one always made me smile:-

Have a great week everyone.  Hope it’s a good one for you and yours.

Until soon.  Be happy.


My cup is running over

When you start something new, there is always an expectation, a planned route, or at least an understanding of the whys and wherefores and what you expect to gain or experience out of this new thing. Learning to run has been nothing like I thought it would be.

It is actually difficult to go back and work out exactly what I was thinking, except that the dream of running a long distance such as a marathon had appeal, and I was seriously looking for something to challenge me. Something new that I had never done before.

I knew on a logistics level, this would involve running, however had zero knowledge on that subject. Except that every human on this planet thinks they know about running. We all do it from time to time, catch a bus, run a little at school, do some at the gym. It’s that thing we do when we need to go a bit faster than a walking pace. We all know how that is. Except we don’t or at least I didn’t.

There is this foggy, smoky, misty period you go through when you take up running as a sport. You start and the first “in your face thing” that hits you is how hard it is. Your breathing becomes ragged really quickly (even though you are moving at a pace that wouldn’t challenge a tortoise), your body starts flopping all over the place, and there are suddenly lots of voices in your head at various levels of shrillness yelling at you to stop.

You start to really notice other runners for the very first time. You look at them in a whole new way wondering how on earth they seem to do it so easily. Then even more remarkable are those running along chatting whilst they are running. Flying to Jupiter having designed one’s own space ship, seems to be more probable that running along chatting to someone.

I don’t know what keeps you going at this point. Maybe it’s that big dream you had and you’re at the start of something and you want to give it a go. Maybe it’s optimism that it will get better and easier. Maybe it’s just foolishness and stubbornness, but whatever it is, you need a bit of it, because it takes time and progress appears slow.

As I mentioned in previous blogs, apart from family and friends,  there are two big influencers who have helped me more than they will ever know. The first are the wonderful people I have met on twitter. I thought I would start to tweet, and look for other runners and gain some knowledge and inspiration. What I found was this very supportive and inclusive community, full of advice, goodwill, humour and a celebration of everyone’s success no matter how slow or tiny the distance. They inspire me every day. I love how they encourage, laugh and delight in each others endeavours.

The second has been ‘Intraining’, my running Club which I joined with some trepidation and embarrassment due to my lack of expertise. The coaches have been super supportive and encouraging, and my fellow runners are a great bunch of people, who it has been a joy to meet up with twice weekly for training, and am now running with at various parkruns where the support and comradeship continues.

I had absolutely no understanding that this new endeavour would lead me here.  I can share that my hazy period is clearing on occasions, and there are moments I get a feel for what I think I am heading towards. I simply love it and am so excited for what the future holds.

Have a great week everyone.  If you have some time, go for a run.   🙂

Yikes … losing hard gained fitness

I’ve been sick this last week. Cold/flu – felt miserable, no energy and didn’t do a thing. Not even a walk. Every day I’d get up and tell myself today was the day I’d at least go for a walk, but no, nothing eventuated. Just sat around like a vegetable.

This morning for the first time this week I felt like doing something, yay, and then I started to think and worry about how much fitness I had lost in the week.  It’s a hard task to build fitness.  It takes consistency, hard work and dedication, and the urban myth I had heard was that particularly women lose half their fitness in the first week of non training.  What does that even mean, half what of their fitness? Cardio fitness, muscle fitness, strength fitness or all three and then some.

I hit the research button and read many articles on the subject.  There is unanimous agreement that there will be a loss of fitness mainly in the cardio area but research shows that in the first 14 days it’s neglible.  One of the articles published by https://runnersconnect.net/losing-running-fitness/  talks about a 5km runner who is running the distance in 20 min (so not me) after 7 days of not training running the distance in 20:10 and after 14 days of not training in 21:05.

I can live with that.  I run at snail’s pace anyway so that is not too bad.  Just means I’ll go a bit slower but it would appear I will still be able to cover the distance.

Bring on the week.  Back to the joy of exercise and the happy endorphins that follow.

Have a great week everyone.


I have this dream ……

“Difficult Roads often lead to beautiful destinations”

I started this page in the hope that people from all over the place could join together and strive for a goal, namely running a big event together.

I am working towards this, but am absolutely certain I am going to need help. There will be times I am lacking motivation, or times when I simply don’t feel like going out there, as I am sure the people who join us will too. We can support each other, share in each others successes, pick each other up when we are down, always moving forward.

The first milestone of my dream is where we all meet up at some big running event, we would have matching running shirts, or some matching something, run together, finish together and I can just imagine the feeling at the end. It would be so very wonderful and euphoric.

That’s my dream. There is a lot of work to be done between then and now, but we’re on the path, and that is a brilliant place to be.

I LOVE technology

I love technology. I love all gizmos and widgets and “what is that thing for” gadgets.
I get completely immersed in stats and results and the information provided after any kind of activity with the apps and gadgets I have. I simply love it and I think it is helping my journey in a big way.

For starters I have a Garmin tracker which tracks steps, activities, heart rate and some other cool stuff and also tells me the time which is pretty useful. I have my tracker linked to the Garmin Connect app, and so as soon as I record any kind of activity be it a walk or a run or a fitness session of any description, I sync it all and then go looking at how I did.

Before I run, I turn the activity monitoring on my Garmin, and make sure that it is doing it’s thing. I also use ‘Mapmyrun’ app which records my run and provides me with a cool map at the end so that gets turned on next. I have been using 5K Pro app I mentioned some posts ago and is helping me to run from small beginning to 5km, so that gets turned on. Last of all my music gets turned on, a playlist with a beat and off I go.

The funny thing which does make me smile during all of this, is that these apps talk to you. My 5K Pro app gives me inspirational messages about how well I am doing, and tells me when to walk and when to run. ‘Mapmyrun’ app tells me whenever I have travelled for 1km and gives me some data on that last distance, my playlist is doing it’s thing, so all in all, there is a lot going on.

When I finish, I sync, and then pour over all the stats.  Heart rate is a biggie for me, I really want to know whether I worked hard or whether it was all in my head, love all the data as to how long, how high, what effort, speed etc. etc.  I have read other runners say they have thrown out all technology as it was doing their head in.  I think they must be competing against previous times and distance etc.  I am seriously not at that stage.  Just happy to get it done and all these kind of things help, so will continue to use them and have fun with them.

Enjoy your run.