As per previous posts, I have this idea that running will become easier and easier as you do some runs, and eventually you just sail away into the never – never smiling all the way.
I am finding the road quite hard. When I first started some months ago, I think my first run was for 45 seconds, and then walk for 1 minute, repeat 6 times or something like that. I remember thinking that surely I could run for 45 seconds, just hang in there, if its hard, just count it down, and so I did. Now that I am running for longer, these same tactics don’t apply. You really can’t count down a 20 minute run.
Some days it seems to happen, it’s not easy but I do it, other days it is just hard and I need all my willpower to stay with it. On only one occasion so far the run was a breeze, loved it, smiled all the way through, even high-fived a random runner as they were running past me in the other direction (is that cool or an absolute no-no?)
I thought all subsequent runs would be like that one, that somehow I had cracked it, I knew the secret or my feet and body did. Alas, it wasn’t to be. My very next run I actually stopped half way through and couldn’t get going again.
Is it all mental attitude that determines how good your run is? Perhaps your body is tired, or you didn’t get enough sleep, or you’re worried about something and it’s sitting there on your shoulders making you heavier. Perhaps at this stage of the journey I do need a lot of willpower, and don’t prepare mentally enough.
I just keep trying. My next run is due and I’m psyching up for it. It’s going to be a good one…… fingers crossed.